Divorce & Family Law Blog
Our Dynamic World
As culture changes, laws change, families change, and we change right along with them. Please join us on our journey!
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In the U.S., lawyers in general aren’t terribly difficult to find. We’re the 5th most litigious country in the world, after all. According
As with any legal practice area, what a child custody lawyer costs in California may vary profoundly depending upon the individual lawyer, law
Good question. You’ll find a multitude of answers online. Search “how much is a divorce in California” and you’ll see everything from $139
This post is going to start and end with the same sentence because I want to make sure everyone gets the message: No
Think About It: Is It Really So Strange To Have A Transactional Real Estate Lawyer At A Family Law Firm? We find it
You’re in luck because you’re in California, a community property state. And that makes the division of assets simple in that everything acquired
Amy Laughlin, a divorce and child custody lawyer in San Mateo, knows better than most what’s at stake for the children of divorcing parents.
Grandparents can play a critical role in their grandchildren’s lives, developing deep bonds with them from a very young age. When a family
Divorce can be a complex and emotionally charged experience, and financial considerations can become a significant source of stress before and after a
California Family Code Section 2104 requires all divorcing couples to disclose to one another under penalty of perjury all of their income, assets,
Domestic violence affects not only your life but your children, as well, regardless of whether they were directly subject to the violence. It is
As Laughlin Legal Partner and LGBTQ+ lawyer, Caitlin Ashton, has observed, “As half of a gay couple, married in California, I feel lucky