Some of the Best Advice You’ll get from a Santa Clara Divorce Lawyer

If you and your spouse are in the process of getting divorced, even if you haven’t hired an attorney just yet, you may have discovered that there are numerous issues on which you and your soon-to-be ex clash. It’s a fact of divorce that no matter which attorney you ultimately choose to represent you, no matter how brilliant they are or how much they charge or which celebrity they represented, you’ll still be subject to one enduring truth: you’re going to win some and you’re going to lose some.

Divorce is a dialogue, an ongoing back and forth, your turn/my turn. And if you want to come out ahead in the long run, you’ll approach that dialogue with the understanding that just as no one gets everything, no one loses everything either. And a skilled, experienced Santa Clara divorce lawyer, like those at Laughlin Legal, will help you prioritize and strategize so that the cumulative effect of your divorce is a win.

How can a Santa Clara divorce lawyer make your divorce less financially ruinous?

Divorce is expensive. Your attorney’s fees are just the tip of the iceberg because you and your ex are effectively splitting your income and increasing/doubling your expenses. It’s estimated that people getting divorced will need to earn 30% more if they hope to maintain their marital standard of living.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that one particular Santa Clara divorce lawyer reads obscure financial reports like a native: Amy Laughlin. She’s uniquely fluent in complex forms of equity. Because of her experience investigating and analyzing sophisticated and complex financial assets, when Amy sifts through piles of statements and balance sheets, a detailed story begins to emerge. She can tell you which assets look most promising, likely tax implications, and she can spot when something doesn’t quite add up. And because Amy won’t be duped, either will you.

Solid advice about life after divorce from a group of optimistic Santa Clara divorce lawyers

The attorneys at Laughlin Legal, despite all their experience handling the heartbreak and treachery of divorce, still believe in love and marriage. Amy Laughlin is the divorced, pre-nupped, and remarried mother of two sons. Caitlin Ashton, Amy’s business partner, credits her career with helping her prioritize and appreciate her own marriage, and making her a better partner. As deeply committed as they both are to love and marriage, they are equally committed to prenuptial agreements and the valuable conversations that flow from them. In Caitlin’s words, “If people knew how expensive and time-consuming a divorce can be, they might be more cautious and plan ahead before getting married. It is easy to pick up a marriage license. It is often far more complicated to get divorced, particularly without a premarital agreement.”

Do you need a divorce attorney in Santa Clara County?

If you’re considering changing your marital status through either marriage or divorce, learn more about how an experienced Santa Clara divorce lawyer can represent you and your values. Call us now at 650.343.3486 to schedule your first consultation with us. If you’d prefer, you can email us to set up your appointment. If we miss your call, we will respond promptly and call you back as soon as possible.

Laughlin Legal Family Law Group
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